This document presents a detailed analysis of the students´ characteristics from the first and the sixth grade of elementary school from Centro Escolar “Enrique Martínez Márquez”, as well as the challenges and some situations faced by the teachers and the principal of this institution.

This report describes the function of the principal in the management of the institution, as well as the parents´ participation and attention to the socioemotional necessities of the students.

Besides, the importance of learning English is emphasized, and how the teacher uses resources and innovative strategies to involve the students in this learning process.

Finally, my personal experiences in my first teaching practice, where I reflected on the challenges and achievements that I faced in working with different groups of students in an elementary school.


In the first-grade group “A” classroom, there is a total of 36 students, of which 13 are men and 23 are women. All of the students are Mexican and they are 6 years old. Of these students, two are children with disabilities. One of them is receiving treatment from a particular doctor and “USAER”. The teacher emphasizes the importance of providing clear instructions to do the activities correctly. Another child has a deficit and he is receiving treatment from “USAER”. The teacher said that the student has aggressive behaviors depending on his mood. In other words, if the child is happy, sad, angry, etc. the student reacts violently with his classmates. Additionally, there is a situation of behavioral problems with a female girl who required specialized attention. Through logs, the teacher has documented the girl´s lies and there are pieces of evidence where the students don´t bother her and much less the children attack her. The teacher has talked to the mother, however, the mother doesn’t accept the problem. The student´s case has been referred to “USAER”, but her behavior hasn´t changed. The teacher said that the problem derives from the student´s mother because she didn’t recognize the achievement of her daughter, which led to the student’s indifference. The student´s mother has invited her to talk to her daughter to treat her to improve their attitude. In case the student’s mother doesn´t cooperate and the situation doesn´t improve it will be necessary to involve the DIF. This doesn’t imply separating the girl from the mom but providing the necessary therapy and support.

In the first grade group “B” classroom, there is a total of 39 students, of which 22 are men and 17 are women. All of the students are Mexican and they are 6 years old. The student teacher from the “Escuela Normal Lic. Adolfo López Mateos” conducted an assessment of learning styles in the first-grade group “B” and identified that their learning style is kinesthetic. Recognizing the learning style of the group was valuable because as future teachers it will help us to adapt the learning to the students’ necessities through games, movement, and touch.

In the first grade group “C” classroom, there is a total of 33 students, of which 17 are men and 16 are women. All of the students are Mexican and they are 6 years old.

According to the United Nations International Children´s Emergency Fund (UNICEF), “Children and young people have the same general human rights as adults, and also specific rights derived from their special necessities” (https://www.unicef.org/es/convencion-derechos-nino/por-que-son-importantes). This means that children's and young people´s rights should be protected and respected. these rights recognize that the children´s needs should be attended to ensure their growth and well-being so that children can grow in a safe and healthy environment. However, in the first-grade classroom group “C” there is a situation with a child, who doesn’t participate in classes due to he is an affair to make a mistake. The student said that his dad drinks alcohol and he is aggressive with his mother. It is unknown if this situation is known by the teacher. 

In first grade, there is a total of 108 students, of which 52 are men and 56 are women. In general, the groups A, B, and C are cheerful, curious, helpful, informative, and empathetic students, which benefits their learning as they are developing in a healthy environment. 

The first-grade classrooms A, B, and C were in good condition. The furniture was in good condition and there was order on three shelves and in the student´s notebook. In the classrooms, you can find posters that clearly specify the actions that are prohibited in the classrooms. Although classrooms don’t have projectors and computers, you can observe the creativity, interaction, and dedication of the first-grade teachers that they work to achieve more effective learning. 

In the sixth-grade group “A” classroom, there is a total of 44 students, of which 22 are men and 22 are women. All of the students are Mexican and they are between 11 and 12 years old. Of these students, there is a child with a disability. It is unknown if the student is being treated by a private doctor or by USAER. According to the English teacher, the student has language problems. The student has problems understanding the meaning of the sounds, and difficulty forming words and specific sounds. In this case, it will be essential that the student will be evaluated by a specialist.

In the sixth-grade group “B” classroom, there is a total of 42 students, of which 18 are men and 24 are women. All of the students are Mexican and they are between 11 and 12 years old.

In the sixth grade group “C” classroom, there is a total of 43 students, of which 17 are men and 26 are women. All of the students are Mexican and they are between 11 and 12 years old.

In the sixth grade, there is a total of 129 students, of which 57 are men and 72 are women. One of the main challenges that I had with the sixth-grade students, it was the emotional changes and the challenging behaviorism from the students because they were going through the transition from childhood to adolescence. During the classes, there was a lack of students ‘participation, a tendency for students to make a lot of noise in the classroom, and the difficulty to follow rules.


The CENTRO ESCOLAR “ENRIQUE MARTINEZ MARQUEZ” is located in Las Huertas s/n, Cuarto Barrio, 74160 Huejotzingo, Pue. The community in which the school is located has public services such as potable water, public transportation, drainage, public lighting, public telephones, internet, and garbage collection. The school doesn´t have public security, however, the principal of the school and the student’s parents made a request through the municipio to provide traffic support for the entry and exit of the children.






The Centro Escolar is organized by the general director, the administrative subdirector, and the prefecture subdirector. In the Centro Escolar, there are directors from different levels including preschool, primary, and elementary, and 2 principals from high school for morning and afternoon. The organization for each level extends to teachers, the physical education teacher, USAER, administrative personnel, and support staff.

In the Centro Escolar “Enrique Martinez Márquez” at the primary level, there is a principal, 18 classroom teachers, 2 physical education teachers, 2 English teachers, 1 special education teacher, and 3 administrative staff. The institution doesn´t have a subdirectory, assistant teacher, doctor/nurse, or social worker. 

On Mondays, the school organizes a ceremony, which is conducted for all educational levels ("primaria alta", junior high school, and high school). The school doesn´t offer workshops.


According to the article “El crucial papel de los directores en la mejora de la calidad educativa” published in October 2017, the directors are the most important piece so that a school can function. They encourage a comfortable work environment, such as keeping a good relationship with the student´s parents and the community. However, to be a director of a school isn’t easy, sometimes the infrastructure and the resources limit the teachers ‘abilities to innovate and provide high-quality services. (https://educared.fundaciontelefonica.com.pe/desafios/el-crucial-papel-de-los-directores-en-la-mejora-de-la-calidad-educativa/).

According to the interview conducted with Director Miriam Pérez Quiroga on October 20th of the current year with the purpose with the main actors of understanding and identifying the main activities, difficulties, and supports available of the Centro Escolar “Enrique Martínez Márquez”, she emphasized that one of her main responsibilities as principal is to oversee the security and the integrity of all people that is part of the elementary school, starting with the teachers, administrative support staff, and parents. Besides she monitors and attends the pedagogical aspects to improve the teaching practice. Finally, she manages with the different organizations some necessities from the school, not only physical resources but administrative management. She is completely in charge of the school management, the official part of it.

Furthermore, she emphasizes that as a director of the Centro Escolar “Enrique Martínez Márquez”, she tries to be present and involved in the social, cultural, and civic activities that are in the school. She conducts observations with the teachers and tries to work with all of the groups in different activities that promote the socioemotional aspect, providing confidence to the children.

The principal of the school mentioned that all of the resources that the school has, as well as the audio and computer equipment, weren’t acquired by the government but they were acquired by different associations of students ‘parents.

According to the article “La importancia de las habilidades socioemocionales para el aprendizaje y la vida” published in October 2022, highlights that “socioemotional competencies, not only develop the cognitive or mental process development but also affective areas such as emotional awakened and management, interpersonal relationships, and societal projections. They enable individuals to better understand themselves, manage their emotions, set goals, and work towards them. build better relationships with others, make responsibilities decisions in their lives.” (https://www.colombiaaprende.edu.co/agenda/tips-y-orientaciones/la-importancia-de-las-habilidades-socioemocionales-para-el-aprendizaje)

According to the interview conducted by the principal of the school one of the main problems in the institution is socioemotional attention, because the students don’t know how to handle certain violent situations between students which results in incidents in the classroom. Parents attend to these incidents and express situations that their child is going through. For that reason, the director of the school has provided to teachers tools at helping and providing solutions (“manual de convivencia, el cuadernillo de conflictos de resolución de conflictos, ficheros de cultura por La Paz”). In the institution, problem resolution is very important for that reason the solution to these conflicts is based on open and respectful dialogue with the student, the parent, the teacher, and the person who caused the problem, following regulations and laws.

In the article “Participación de los padres: Como mantenerse involucrado en las actividades escolares de su hijo” it points that the participation of the students ‘parents in the children´s education plays an important role. When the parents get involved in their children´s learning the students can achieve better results in school, get better behavior, and develop positive attitudes that lead the student to succeed. (https://www.colorincolorado.org/es/articulo/participaci%C3%B3n-de-los-padres-c%C3%B3mo-mantenerse-involucrado-en-las-actividades-escolares-de-su#:~:text=La%20participaci%C3%B3n%20de%20los%20padres,m%C3%A1s%20exitosos%20en%20la%20vida.)

In the interview conducted with the director´s school this year, she pointed out that one of the best strategies to improve academically is to try to involve the students' parents in all activities to recognize their work at the end of the year. For this reason, in the institution, there are several committees to improve the school´s condition such as “Asociación de Padres de Familia, la mesa Directiva, el Comité de Participación Social, el Comité de Salud escolar, el Comité de Contraloría Social” that lead to create and work on various initiatives. One of the main purposes of these committees is to support and contribute to educational quality through materials, purposes, and coordination with various organizations. In addition, the principals with the teachers have various institutional projects, that consist of reading, punctuality and attendance, hygiene, zero violence, and academically excellent children, which is worked with all the students in the institution. 


Teacher Carlos Castellano Mexica, who graduated from the “Escuela Normal Superior Federalizada del Estado de Puebla” (ENSFEP) has been working in the Centro Escolar “Enrique Martínez Márquez” for 2 years. Currently, he is in charge of 9 groups of “primaria baja”.

In the article “La importancia del inglés en la escuela y su ventaja a futuro” published on July 28th, 2023 it points out that “strengthening English from childhood and through all the basic education is a guarantee to obtain better opportunities in the future”.

In the interview conducted with the teacher in October of this year, he mentioned that one of the main resources to develop his activities is the English book that is provided by the “PRONI”. Teacher Carlos tries to focus the learning through games to capture the students´ attention and promote learning because one of his main complications is the lack of attention from his students. 

In the institution, the support of parents is evident. When the teacher requests materials to start to work in the classroom, parents provide that support. At the same time, it could be observed that good relationship with the students. He always tries to show affection, but he always sets clear limits, which is essential because it promotes the learning and the well-being of the students.

The teacher pointed out that he usually prepares his classes weekly. In his classes he tries to work with his English book, worksheets, and recourses that can be manipulated by students, in that way the learning will be meaningful for them. He considers all the English skills important (speaking, writing, reading, listening). However, when he works with “primaria baja”, he tends to focus on speaking and listening activities.

The article “Los mejores métodos de enseñanza del inglés para tus aulas” published on July 13th, 2022 mentions that for years the methods and techniques for teaching English were focused on a traditional methodology which was limited to studying grammar, translation, and repetition. Nowadays less tedious resources have begun to be used, reflecting the ability to communicate. (https://blog.pearsonlatam.com/ingles-para-todos/mejores-metodos-de-ensenanza-del-ingles).

In the interview conducted with the English teacher, he emphasizes that English learning is based on the “Marco Común Europeo” (MCER), where he and the students of “primaria baja” develop communicative abilities because for him it is important to understand the contexts where the students are development. One of the biggest challenges for him has been the use of technology because has had a positive impact on students and teachers. This allows the teacher can update and look for activities where the student can be involved, and it allows communication with the students ‘parents when the students don’t finish copying homework.

For the English teacher to integrate the students ‘parents in activities or tasks has been a challenge. When the students learn new phrases in the school, he asks to the students tell things in English.

In addition, the homework assignments are a challenge for the student. The student becomes a thinking individual and tries to solve problems by himself, trying to do attractive activities such as painting, writing, playing, singing, etc.


Actually, I enjoyed my first teaching practice. In the beginning, I felt nervous because I didn´t know all of my groups. I won´t lie, the first day with the first-grade children caused me a lot of stress, because I have never dealt with little kids who had gone out of kindergarten. My lesson plan didn´t work as I thought and I got frustrated, so I, as their teacher, I had to adapt to what they knew and how they worked.

 I remember clearly my first class with the first-grade students of the group “A” as if it was yesterday because it was a disaster. The children were out of control because they were very hungry, water spilled from a bottle and some kids were jumping in puddles. The kids got excited when they saw the scenarios that I’d prepared for them of the city and the country. keeping the students quiet was the biggest challenge. In that class, I could identify my strengths and my weaknesses as a teacher, and what I could and couldn´t apply to my students from the first grade of elementary school.

One of the resources that stood out in my interventions was the scenarios of the city and the country, besides my magic wand. According to the students that magic wand allows them to know English. The students from the first grade of primary school demonstrated to be participative. They always wanted to participate, dance, and play.

My classes were based on familiar sounds that they could hear in their community, drawings that we drew together, careful writing with legible letters, repetition of words, and exercise on the blackboard. I did an exercise where I asked them to pint the words with my magic wand and I noticed that most of the students learned because they pointed to the drawing and the word correctly.

In each class, I had to look for strategies to keep an organized participation of the students. in addition, I noticed that songs helped me to keep the students quiet, to learn greetings, and to engage in active breaks when the students were tired or bored.

In my opinion, one of my best classes was the last thirty-minute class in which I told them a storytelling. In this storytelling, it wasn’t necessary to talk in Spanish because in the tale I played sounds of the city and the country. During the story, the children were very attentive and interpreted with their own words what "Rooster" tried to say. Kids really loved Rooster, because he was a child like them, he was shy and playful, and he lived on the farm with his friends: the pig and the cow, but he wanted to study in a school like theirs and for that reason, he moved on Huejotzingo, the community where they live.

Working with the sixth-grade students was a challenge, due to their stage of adolescence, and as a result, I experienced some difficulties in class. My approach to working with sixth-grade students and first-grade students was very different.

In the case of sixth grade, I implemented a contract that contained specific rules that they had to follow. These rules included completing tasks, maintaining silence in the classroom, helping their classmates when they needed, recognizing achievements, active participation, etc.

Furthermore, I focused a lot on the management of time. I assigned a specific time to do each activity. The correct and quick execution, bringing the material, participating in classes, and using the didactic material correctly allowed students to earn or lose points as a team.

I had to adapt some activities to what they “knew”. One of the main problems that I had was the level of English, due to their English teacher mentioned that almost all of the students knew the English language, however, during the first class, I observed that the students didn’t write correctly, they didn´t know how to spell words, the 50% percent of the class didn´t know the color, members of the family, moods, etc. they had difficulties with the vocabulary that the teacher had taught previously.

My main objective with the sixth-grade students was to reinforce the topics that they had studied with the teacher previously, however, during the first week the teacher hadn´t taught a class or he hadn´t into depth on the topics.

In the first week, the teacher of “primaria alta” asked me to teach sixth-grade children and he provided me the content. It was a short class, so I tried to be clear and provide them examples. When the time was over, I told the students that they should study the topic, because the teacher would ask them. The next day, the teacher entered the classroom to teach and the students were surprised.
When the teacher entered the classroom, he was very rude and he provoked insecurity in the classroom.  When the teacher asked me to intervene in the classroom, the students changed their attitude completely and I could notice the active participation from the students.


Colorado, C. (2008, August 19). Participación de los padres: Cómo mantenerse involucrado en las actividades escolares de su hijo. Colorín Colorado. https://www.colorincolorado.org/es/articulo/participaci%C3%B3n-de-los-padres-c%C3%B3mo-mantenerse-involucrado-en-las-actividades-escolares-de-su

El crucial papel de los directores en la mejora de la calidad educativa. (2017, October 10). Educared; Educared - Comunidad educativa. https://educared.fundaciontelefonica.com.pe/desafios/el-crucial-papel-de-los-directores-en-la-mejora-de-la-calidad-educativa/

La importancia de las habilidades socioemocionales para el aprendizaje y la vida. (n.d.). Edu.co. Retrieved November 5, 2023, from https://www.colombiaaprende.edu.co/agenda/tips-y-orientaciones/la-importancia-de-las-habilidades-socioemocionales-para-el-aprendizaje

Los derechos del niño y por qué son importantes. (n.d.). Unicef.org. Retrieved November 5, 2023, from https://www.unicef.org/es/convencion-derechos-nino/por-que-son-importantes

Pearson, I. (2022, July 13). Los mejores métodos de enseñanza del inglés para tus aulas. Pearsonlatam.com. https://blog.pearsonlatam.com/ingles-para-todos/mejores-metodos-de-ensenanza-del-ingles

Pearson, I. (2023, July 28). La importancia del inglés en la escuela y su ventaja a futuro. Pearsonlatam.com. https://blog.pearsonlatam.com/ingles-para-todos/importancia-del-ingles-en-escuela


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