
 Writing 💫

When we learn a language, it's important to develop 4 skills that help us to have better communication. When we learn our mother tongue, we learn first by listening, then by speaking, then by reading, and finally by writing. 

Writing is as important as listening, speaking, and reading because it allows us to express our feelings, opinions, thoughts, etc. 

Writing is a form of human communication but is also considered a process where we must use symbols, punctuation, and letters of the alphabet to compose a text. 

Talking about my experience as a student, writing has helped me a lot in my personal development, because when I write it's like therapy for me, actually for me it's better writing than speaking because I'm a shy person. I enjoy expressing my feelings, ideas, thoughts, etc without restrictions, stress, and anxiety through writing because I know that all of the things that I write are for me. 

But as a teacher it is complicated to involve the students to start to write, and more so when you are a practicing teacher in a public school. 

First of all, because the students don't have the level of English you hope for, there are more than 30 students in each classroom, and not all of the students pay attention because for them English is related to the horrible “verb to be”, it's too hard learning the language and boring. 

But as a teacher, how can I get my students to start to write?

Make it personal

You were wondering how I can make writing personal, well doing personal writing could help students to express their personal experiences, feelings, opinions, etc about their day like a diary or a journal reminding students that this writing should be written in 1st person, students can share emotions or even reflections and the language is less formal. 

Choose interest topics 

It's important as a teacher to know a little bit about your students' interests because in that way you can make the process of writing more enjoyable. When a student is interested in the topic, he/she would be motivated at the same time students could make this writing more interesting, authentic, and genuine.


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